Top Ten Things You Didn't Notice About HDIA 2013

This, unfortunately, is a thing now. 
10. Alexander Ovechkin didn't get on the score board, and you did notice because the media drove it down your throat 4 times per period.

9. The Montreal Canadiens announced rookie forward Brendan Gallagher has a concussion and will be out of the line up for awhile.  The collective hockey world gasped in anger until they figured out Gallagher plays in Montreal.

8. The Chicago Blackhawks came within 1 goal of losing their first regulation game of the season.  The margine would have been bigger, but this was an NBC game after all, and nobody likes a blow-out in the ratings world.  Especially when your top sports rating competitor for Hockey Day in America was......ohhh that makes sense now. 

7. Several thousands of Americans now think it's okay to ride somebody else's coat-tails at work while taking home a decent salary after seeing Pascal Dupuis score two goals against the Sabres.

6. There was a hockey game in Dallas Texas.

5. 93% of people interviewed on NBC said they started their hockey career in Minnesota, but viewers became suspicious after the same guy changed his disguise for the fourth time.

4. The people in New York playing hockey in Central Park were being paid $23/hour to skate in circles on tv.  As an added incentive, New Yorkers from Staten Island were offered new homes from USA Hockey.

3. The Buffalo Sabres sing the Canadian national anthem before every game at home no matter who is playing because 75% of their attendance probably just drove in from Ontario.

2. No struggling US southern markets played on hockey day in america, which is perfect symbolism for having hockey in the southern United States of America.

1. Canadian legend Sidney Crosby scored on Ryan Miller, in February.


Anonymous said…
Angry Habs Fan said…
Agreed. Just terrible writing eh.
Anonymous said…
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