Cory Conacher in Bishop Out

The Sens traded Ben Bishop today for 2nd in rookie scoring, Cory Conacher as well as getting a 4th rd pick in the trade. Most people believe that this was a slam dunk trade for Bryan Murray and that Yzerman got ripped off. I'm reserving judgement until I see if we get the Conacher from earlier in the year or the Conacher thats put up 6pts in his last 16 games.

Goodbye to ye old Bishop we hardly new ye. He played really well for us and I'm sure will be a decent starting goaltender in Tampa, despite getting hung out to dry by his defence night after night.

With this trade, Yzerman has now traded 2 2nd rd picks and a third for Lindback, realized he wasnt that good and then traded their best prospect and a 4th for Bishop. Yikes thats a lot a picks for a team thats rebuilding.

Also Redden got traded to the Bruins and will play with Zdeno Chara again. Lol wait until the Bruins have to choose between them.


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