Baseball Is Back

So today is sort of the unofficial/official kick of to the 2017 MLB season.  MLB is in a tough spot here with Canadian baseball fans. 

On one hand, hardcore Jays fans are stoked that the season kicks off tomorrow.  On the other hand there are a ton of Canadian NHL teams in playoff contention, including the Toronto Maples Leafs.  

To pair with this, Sportsnet is undoubtedly going to favour the NHL over MLB coverage over the next two months unless you have the extended sports package.   

For me, I couldn't care less that the Jays new season is kicking off tomorrow.  The Habs are back in the playoffs, and until that ends I'm fully committed. You can also throw in a Raptors playoff run as well.

So check back in with me in June, after the Stanley Cup parade in downtown Montreal. 

Oh, and this guy doesn't care either:



This Is It

Iron Man 3 Is Awesome, So Are The Habs